Chapter 2: Packing Supplies
Packing Supplies The packing materials that you’ll need to acquire to self-pack your shipment; moving boxes, paper, tape, and export wrapping paper An

Chapter 1: Things You Need to Know Before You Start Packing
Things You Need to Know Before You Start Packing When should I start the packing process? Packing items into cartons is a time-consuming

How long does the moving process take?
What is the average time or duration of a local move? Trying to estimate the precise timing of a move is impossible. Each move is

5 Ways to ensure a successful residential moving experience
Relocating your home is considered one of life’s most challenging activities. During a move, customers are often at their lowest ebb; stressed, fatigued, and emotional.

Self-storage facilities vs. Arpin professional storage
The self-storage industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors of our economy. Unfortunately, they have led Americans to believe many incorrect assertions about the difference

Where to get the best packing materials to pack
A successful move relies on well-packed items. Whether you’re a professional mover or a do-it-yourselfer, a quality pack job starts with quality cartons. (mover don’t