Booking Agent

When a customer books a move with Arpin RI, Arpin RI becomes the booking agent with Arpin Van Lines. The booking agent is responsible for all communication with the customer before, during, and after the move. They are also responsible to calculate all of the charges and to do all of the billing.

There are also three other agent roles that occur with a move that should be mentioned:

  • The origin agent or OA. They are the entity responsible for surveying the residence, packing any cartons (if requested), and organizing any 3rd party services (if requested). In 99% of circumstances, Arpin RI will be both the booking agent and the origin agent.
  • The hauling agent or HA. They are the entity that generally will load and haul the shipment to destination. In 95%+ of circumstances, Arpin RI will be the booking agent, origin agent, and the hauling agent.
  • The destination agent or DA. They are the entity that delivers the shipment to the destination residence. In 95% of circumstances, Arpin RI will be the booking agent, origin agent, hauling agent, and the destination agent.

Consistency breeds quality and Arpin RI provides consistent quality.